
Aztec Butte.

Canyonlands National Park - Island in the Sky District near Moab, Utah

Aztec Butte

View north from the trailhead of the Aztec Butte Trail.  The butte in this image is the lower of two sandstone dome formations.


Aztec Butte

View from along the trail looking up to the top of the lower butte.


Aztec Butte

View north from the trail after passing the lower butte with the higher butte in sight.  The higher butte is probably three times as tall as the lower butte.


Aztec Butte

View from the base of the higher butte.  The trail goes straight up the rock from this point to a connecting saddle.   The higher butte is approximately 175' above this point.


Aztec Butte

This is a view from the trail as it approaches the connecting saddle.


Aztec Butte

6.  Panoramic view generally southwest from the connecting saddle on the Aztec Butte Trail.

Aztec Butte

Continuing straight up from the saddle via switchbacks to the top of the higher Aztec Butte.


Aztec Butte

View from inside an alcove on the edge of Aztec Butte looking into Trail Canyon.


Aztec Butte

This is just one of several granaries tucked into alcoves around the perimeter of this butte.  The view from this spot into Trail Canyon is impressive.


Aztec Butte

A more full view of the alcove from the previous two images.  A trail follows the perimeter of the butte just below the top providing access to several alcoves.


Aztec Butte

View inside the granary from the previous image.  This is the most well preserved of all of the granaries on Aztec Butte.


Aztec Butte

This is a stone ruin at the north end of the mesa top.  The top is flat and approximately two acres.


Aztec Butte

View north from the opposite side of the stone ruins in the previous image.  Book Cliffs on the far horizon


Aztec Butte

Skirting the edge of Aztec Butte.  This is off trail.  Mountains on the horizon are the Henry Mountains.


Aztec Butte

Returning to the connecting saddle on the hike back to the trailhead.


Aztec Butte

View south from the connecting saddle to the first and lower of the two Aztec Buttes.


This was a good little adventure and highly recommended with great views in all directions.   Young children would be able to do this hike/climb with supervision and because it would be somewhat challenging would never forget it.

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