Close-up of "The Genoa Tower" in Genoa, Colorado (see six states from the tower)
Overview of the tower complex from abandoned Hwy 24. I-70 is on the opposite side of the buildings and about a half mile south.
The low stone building on the left was a restaurant at one time and the grassy area was a parking lot.
A similar view as the previous image taken at an earlier time when Highway 24 was still in use. Judging by the cars in the
parking lot the photo was taken in the 1930's. The shaped parapet on the back of the restaurant may have originally been designed to
reflect the profile of Pikes Peak.
Close up of the north face of the tower complex. The concrete pylon with rock frame was probably a sign.
This side of the building was the original front entrance and faced now abandoned Hwy 24.
View looking west at the east facade of the complex.
Approaching the south elevation of the complex from the east.
View of the tower and the main entrance on the south side of the complex.
Main entrance to the tower complex. This is a connecting building between the tower wing and the restaurant wing.
This corridor links the tower to the main entrance.
This stone oven is in the restaurant wing and can only be seen if you find your way through a maze of small rooms.
A unique stone fireplace in the largest room of the restaurant wing.
The entire restaurant wing is made up of various sized rooms like this one finished in stone.
A two headed sheep maybe? There must be fifty rooms in this place full of all kinds of this type of thing.
A moose head and an antelope.
This is the first stair into the tower rooms above.
This is another of the tower rooms that provide access to the stairs.
This is the tower room just below the wider main observation level.
The stair in the image is expressed on the outside of the building just below the observation level.
The word "MUSEUM" is painted on the exterior of this stairway.
Near the top of the tower. looking up the series of ships ladders that provide access to the roof.
It's probably only two feet wide.
Buddies you will meet if you have the nerve to climb to the top. I-70 can be seen in the near distance.
The view is south. (2003)
Right Buddy close-up. (2004)
Right Buddy detail. (2004)
Left Buddy close-up w/ new red suit. (2004)
Looking down through the access hatch into the room below from the roof.
Looking down from the roof ships ladder to the next series of steps below.
Continuing down the stairs to the main floor.
The original entrance to the tower from the north side of the complex.
Abandoned Hwy 24 can faintly be seen in the distance on the right horizon.
Close up of the original entrance to the tower from the north side of the complex.
A similar view as the previous taken early in the history of the Tower.
The fenced area in front of the building looks like it may have been an outdoor cafe.
View southwest from abandoned Hwy 24. I-70 is on the opposite side of the tower. In conclusion this complex, built in the 1920's, is simultaneously a historic ruin,
an antique and curiosity shop and a museum of over 20,000 Indian artifacts. It's lack of slickness is it's greatest charm.
Highly recommended. It is about 5 miles east from Limon, Colorado.