The remnants of the "Western Motel"on Old Route 66 in San Jon, New Mexico.
Looking north from Old Route 66 to
the Office and living quarters building of the now abandoned
Western Motel.
View west of the motel sign and a newer motel unit.
Close-up of Western Motel neon
sign. There were additional motel units that have been demolished
beyond this sign aligning and perpendicular to the west corner of the
unit in this image.
The now abandoned "Smith's Cafe". Now used as a garage.
Next door to "Smith's Cafe" is an old motel that has been converted to living quarters. The remains of
the what was probably the support system of a neon motel sign remain visible next to Old Route 66. This building would have been the motel office.
The motel units
block behind the office associated with the re-purposed motel in
the previous
This is an abandoned auto and truck repair shop directly across the street from the remains of the "Western Motel"
along Old Route 66.
This is an abandoned gasoline and repair shop along Old Route 66 in San Jon.
San Jon is a major stop along I-40 in eastern New Mexico and not a ghost town.
Only the old retail buildings along Route 66 seem to be in this condition.
Hopefully, San Jon will leave these buildings as a reminder of the history of the road.
Another view of previous image looking southeast.
This view is east along Old Route 66 of the gas station from previous image. Additional abandoned buildings in the distance.
Partial view looking east of west elevation of gas station.
Close-up of steel window.