The observation platform at Clingman's Dome in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Clingman's Dome is the highest point in the state of Tennesse.
View looking south from the observation platform at Clingman's Dome.
View looking northwest from the observation platform at Clingman's Dome. The dead conifers are typical in the Park above 5000'. The trees are dying as a result of a combination of air pollution and parasites.
The photos were taken in September of 1997 and I assume more trees have died. The air pollution has reduced visibility at the observation platform from approximately 60 miles to 20 miles.
Road over Newfound Gap.
Another view looking southeast from the Appalachian Trail. The road in the distance is again the road over Newfound Gap.
The trail follows a ridgeline and provides almost constant views east and west through the tree canopy.
View looking east from the AT.
Zoomed version of previous view looking east from the AT.
This is the view north from the "Jumpoff". The "Jumpoff" is a short side trip westbound from the Appalachian Trail.
We walked through several acres of berry patches in this area. Noticed fresh bear scat.
This is "Ice House Shelter". The first shelter north of Newfound Gap on the AT. It is very typical of the shelters in the National Park
with a fireplace and bear fence. There of two large wooden shelves that serve as sleeping platforms. The shelters can handle twelve people.
There is very little wood available within a mile radius of the shelters.
Sunrise from the top of Charlie's Bunyon. The Appalachian Trail passes directly below Charlie's Bunyon.
View looking south to Charlies Bunyon from the Appalachian Trail.
View west from the Appalachian Trail in Great Smoky Mountain National Park.
Another view west from the Appalachian Trail in Great Smoky Mountain National Park.
View northwest from the AT in the National Park. This area was covered with dead conifers.
Dead conifer's along the AT.
Close up of dead conifer's.
F-104 parts from a plane crash in the National Park. The parts a strewn east and west of the AT.
View generally east from the Appalachain Trail down to a lower mountain.
Nice fall color along the AT. This image taken in light rain.
More good color along the AT. This image also taken in light rain.
The famous "Mountain Mammas". A major way-station for thru-hikers on the Appalachian Trail.
Classic view of Andrew Jackson's home "The Hermitage" near Nashville, TN. This photo was taken October of 1997
before many of the trees adjacent to the home were destroyed by a tornado.
Close up of main portico at Andrew Jackson's home "The Hermitage". just east of Nashville, TN.
An exact replica of "The Parthenon" has been preserved in a Nashville city park adjacent to Vanderbilt University.
The building was built as part of a World Exposition held in the 1930's. Major repairs were underway in October of 1997 when this image was taken.